D'you remember your school report? Some of you may still have a copy of the dreaded thing somewhere.
Miriam Pearce has been very generous in lending us her fragile copies from the 1930s. Included here is the report from Summer Term 1933. This is one of the very earliest from our school. Click here to see Miriam's report.
Maggie Collie and Jackie Rowe - both first-formers in 1960 - have also bravely allowed us to have a look at their end-of-term reports. The two reports reflect rather different approaches to academia, even as first-formers!
You'll notice Miss Holden's signature at the end: this was Miss H's final year as Headmistress of Lawnswood High School.
We acquired report books (as opposed to a single sheet of paper) around 1963.
Click here to see Maggie's report. Click here to see Jackie's report. They might take a few seconds to download, but they're worth it!
If you'd like to share some memories of school reports, please e-mail lhs.alumnae@gmail.com
"At school I was always one of those `B' streamers under the misguided impression that I was expected to work hard for the sake of the teachers, my parents, the good of the school - but never quite dawning on me that it was for my benefit." Veronica Skirrow '59-'64 "My most memorable [school report], “Jane is pleasant but idle". Miss Heap I think, Junior 6!" Jane McConomy '59-'65 "I have still got my report. A memorable comment from Mrs. Johnstone (maths): "Janet does not exert herself". Oops." Janet China '65-'70