This page covers school magazines, programmes, brochures, songs, pupils’ reports, work books (known as ‘neat books’), and anything else that could reasonably be called a document. Photographs have their own page. All the documents have been loaned by former pupils. I’m extremely grateful to everyone. I’m privileged to have been offered many more documents than are shown here. However, as we are a website for memories rather than for archive material, I’ve reluctantly decided to limit the site to representative documents only. As well as being accessible from this page, some documents are linked from various pages throughout the site. If you feel you have any paper document of a type not already represented on the site, please contact lhs.alumnae@gmail.com.
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1892 (Christmas) — Plate of book presented to Minnie Grisdale by The Leeds Mechanics Institution
From Christine Haiste.
1931 (7th November) — Newspaper article re: new school buildings
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1932 — The ‘Official Opening’ programme of LHS & Leeds Modern School
From Margaret Sarvent.
1933 — Miriam Pearce’s school report
1936 — The School Magazine (in full)
From Jean Dunbar.
1937 — Front cover of the “Ruddigore” script
From Dorothy Maude.
1938 — The Pale Blue Scroll
From Jean Dunbar.
1939 — The School Magazine (extracts)
From Janet Rawlins.
1939 — Wartime Regulations for School Uniforms
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1940 — The School Magazine (extracts)
From Janet Rawlins.
1940 — 23rd September — ‘Children’s Ship Sunk By U-Boat’ ‘Murder At Sea’, and ‘List of Casualties’
Found at Leeds Library by Sandra Baker.
1940 — 24th September — ‘Leeds Sisters Missing From Children’s Ship’ and ‘Dastardly Act’
Found at Leeds Library by Sandra Baker.
1940 — 25th September — picture of the “City of Benares”
Found at Leeds Library by Sandra Baker.
1940 — 27th September — ‘Six Children Found In Boat’
Found at Leeds Library by Sandra Baker.
1940’s — Health Certificate
From Margaret Yewdall.
1942 — Yorkshire Post article — “Lawnswood High School: Details of Its Early History”
1944 (March) — Teachers' Autographs
From Janet Rawlins.
1944/45 — Dorothy Lucas's Certificates
From Stephen Woolcot.
1946 — School Uniform Requirements (with illustrations)
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
Circa 1946 — School Rules, in a letter to parents
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1946 — Carol Service programme
From Joan Whitaker.
1947 — The School Magazine (in full)
From Rosalie Hudson.
1947 — Founders' Day Hymn (with sound)
1949 — Wharfedale Music Festival Programme (16th/17th/ 18th June 1949)
Found at Ilkley Library by Sandra Baker.
1949 — Wharfedale Music Festival - Six Newspaper Cuttings
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1949 (December) — Extract from The Cottier Journal regarding "Nine Lessons & Carols"
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
Circa 1950s — 9 newspaper cuttings regarding performances by the Lawnswood Choir
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1950 — School Magazine pages (review of “Merrie England” and Bach’s Bi-Centenary)
From Irene Furze.
1950 — Newspaper review of “Merrie England”
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1951 (July) — School Magazine review of a radio recording by the choir for the “Children Singing” series
Loaned by Kathleen Wood (who wrote the article) from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1951 — School Magazine reviews of The Inter-House Choir Competition, The Horsforth Festival and The Ilkley Festival
Loaned by Kathleen Wood (who wrote the article) from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1953 — “Crown The Queen” card game (devised by Elaine Burton, MP)
From Andy Duncan.
1953 — “Much Ado About Nothing” programme
From Irene Furze.
1953 — “Much Ado About Nothing” review (from the School Magazine)
From Irene Furze.
1953 — Letter from Miss Holden regarding the up-coming Centenary
From Audrey Toothill.
1953 (November 2nd) — item in Manchester Guardian requesting memorabilia for Centenary
From Audrey Toothill.
1953 — German journalists visit Lawnswood (2 newspaper articles)
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1954 (July 22nd) — The Centenary Thanksgiving Service Programme
From Irene Furze.
1954 (July 22nd) — The Centenary Dinner Menu
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1954 (July 24th) — The Centenary Speech Day Programme
From Irene Furze.
1954 (July 24th) — The Centenary Concert Programme
From Irene Furze.
1954 (July 24th) — Yorkshire Post report of Centenary Open Day
From Audrey Toothill.
1954 — The Centenary ‘Review Of Events’ booklet
From Catherine McDonald.
Pages 1-4 Staff, Prefects and the Thanksgiving Service Pages 5-8 The Centenary Dinner and Open Day Pages 9-12 Old Girls Reunion and Speech Day Pages 13-16 Centenary Concert and Fair
1954 — The Centenary Souvenir Brochure
From Elisabeth Stephenson and Grete Wheeler.
Opening page with a photo of the entrance to LHS Pages 5-7 Early Days, 1854-1894, with the School Chronology Pages 8-11 Early Days (continued) Pages 12-15 Early Days (continued) Pages 16-19 The Middle Years, 1894-1931 Pages 20-23 The Middle Years (continued) Pages 24-27 The Middle Years (continued) Pages 28-31 The Middle Years (continued) Pages 32-35 The Middle Years (continued) Pages 36-39 Modern Times, 1931-1954 Pages 40-43 Modern Times (continued) Pages 44-47 Modern Times (continued) Pages 48-51 Modern Times (continued) Pages 52-55 Modern Times (continued)
1954 (July) — 10 newspaper articles regarding the Centenary Celebrations
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1954 — (October) Speech Day & Prize Giving Programme
From Margaret Yewdall.
1954 — The School Song (sheet music)
From Vicky Duxbury.
1955 — Embroidered Hymn Book Cover
From Beryl Midgley.
1956 (March) — “The Gondoliers” programme
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1956 — Cycling Proficiency Certificate
From Beryl Midgley.
1957/8 — Prize Label
From Pat Thompson (Tommy).
1958 — "Ruddigore" Programme
From Margaret Armstrong.
1958 — GCE Latin papers
From Pat Thompson (Tommy).
1958 — Lawnswood High School Prospectus
From Jane Illingworth.
1958 — Letter from West Riding Health Department regarding the dangers of smoking...
From Jane Illingworth.
1958 (June) — Letter from Miss Holden to parents of new girls
From Jane Illingworth.
1958 — The School Magazine (in full)
From Margaret Armstrong.
1959 — School Excursion to Switzerland
From Margaret Armstrong.
1959 (May) — Letter offering a place at Lawnswood
From Margaret Collie.
1959 — Carol Service Programme
From Beryl Midgley.
1959 — “Glory To God” (2nd Soprano Part)
From Beryl Midgley.
1959/60 — Speech Day Sheet Music ("The Splendour Falls On Castle Walls")
From Beryl Midgley.
June 1959 & June 1961 — GCE PAPERS
From Rosemary Jordan.
Mathematics (Geometry) O-level Monday, 22nd June 1959 9.30am - 12 noon Mathematics (Arithmetic) O-level Monday, 22nd June 1959 2.00pm - 4.00pm French (Paper 1) O-level Tuesday, 23rd June 1959 10.00am - 11.15am French (Paper 2) O-level Tuesday, 23rd June 1959 2.30pm - 4.00pm Mathematics (Algebra) O-level Friday, 26th June 1959 9.30am - 11.30am English Literature O-level Friday, 26th June 1959 2.00pm - 4.30pm English Language O-level Monday, 29th June 1959 2.00pm - 4.30pm Geography O-level Tuesday, 30th June 1959 9.30am - 12 noon Biology O-level Wednesday, 1st July 1959 2.00pm - 4.30pm General Paper O-level Monday, 26th June 1961 9.30am - 12.30pm Physics (Paper 1) A-level Thursday, 8th June 1961 2.00pm - 5.00pm Physics (Paper 2) A-level Friday, 9th June 1961 9.30am - 12.30pm Chemistry (Paper 1) A-level Monday, 12th June 1961 9.30am - 12.30pm Chemistry (Paper 2) A-level Tuesday, 13th June 1961 2.00pm - 5.00pm Mathematics (Paper 1) A-level Wednesday, 14th June 1961 9.30am - 12.30pm Mathematics (Paper 2) A-level Thursday, 15th June 1961 9.30am - 12.30pm Physics (Paper 3) A-level Wednesday, 21st June 1961 2.00pm - 5.00pm
1960 — (March/April) "The Pirates of Penzance" Programme
From Margaret Armstrong.
1960 — (May) Junior Prize Giving Programme
From Jane Illingworth.
1960 — (June/July) GCE Results & School Leaving Record
From Beryl Midgley.
1960 — Margaret Collie’s school report
1960 — Jackie Rowe’s school report
1960 (September) — Miss Holden’s retirement
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
3 Items regarding retirement (pages from the School Magazine)
a Scroll signed by Old Girls
a Scroll signed by teachers and guests
1961 Speech Day programme
From Barbara Thornhill.
1962 — Cookery neat book
From Jean Crystal.
G.C.E. syllabus The joints of lamb The calorific content of a breakfast menu! Nig-Nog biscuits Keeping milk cool in summer Cornflake Crunchies Meal patterns Afternoon tea
1963 "Romanoff & Juliet" programme & reviews
From Roger Bolton.
1963 (March) — newspaper article re The Choir and Bach’s St Matthew Passion
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1965 — Lunchtime Concert (2 newspaper cuttings)
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1966 — Speech Day programme
From Jeannie Carr.
1966 — The School Magazine (in full)
From Shelagh Pullan.
1970 — (January) Sponsored Walk for the Jimmy Savile Marathon Fund
From Carol Hazelwood.
1972 — Short history of The Modern School (final edition of ‘The Owlet’)
From Miss A. (school secretary).
1979 (October) — Two transcripts of an interview between Miss Clayton and David Calvert of YTV
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1991 — “Top Names Fight To Save School” (Yorkshire Post) (Alan Bennett & John Craven)
Found at Leeds Library by Sandra Baker.
1991 (25th July) — YEP article regarding the School’s future
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
1992 (May) — a précis of Miss Holden’s career
Loaned by Kathleen Wood from the collection of Miss Agnes Clayton.
Mid-1990s(?) — “Great School News” (Yorkshire Post)
From Beryl Midgley.
1997 (3rd May) — Y.E.P. article re memories
From Marjorie Lowley (née Cracknell) and Irene Wyborn (née Furze).
1999 (August) — 2 Documents about Miss Kelsey’s death
From Kathleen Wood.
2003 — The School Song - “Shadowy The Throng” (RealAudio)
Performed by The Lawnswood Singers.
2003 — The plan of the old buildings and grounds
2009 (20th August) — Jane Wynne’s obituary
From Roger Bolton.